When energy is continuously supplied to a matter, the temperature of the matter increase and it passes from solid state to liquid and finally to gaseous state. If the energy supply continues, the existing atomic shell disintegrates and charged particles are created (negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions). This mixture is referred to as plasma or the “fourth state of matter”.
In short: Change of the aggregate state under energy supply: solid ⇒ liquid ⇒ gaseous ⇒ plasma
Plasma is used in applications where it is important to combine materials or to specifically change their surface properties. Nowadays, plasma technology is established in almost all sectors of industry, and new applications are being developed constantly. This future-oriented technology allows for modification of a wide range of surfaces. Thus, many different applications are feasible, for example Material Cleaning, Activation of Material, Etching and Coating (refer to images below for more details).
-Automotive engineering
-Consumer goods
-Medical engineering
-Solar and energy technology
-Textile industry
-Electronic and semiconductor industry
-Packaging industry